Part 10: So I Heard You Like Menus
Sup nerds. Last time we dusted a clown and today we're off to find Luigi. Let's fuckin' roll.
I take the good crew. When I said that Ragnarok can easily break the game, I meant it. I hope you like items!
First we're looting the storehouse for some things we actually earned for once.
I also snag another Hyper Wrist and an Amulet. These are alright items. You might think the Ogre Nix is good with that sky high attack; it's not because of Fragile Wpn.
Will always try to use [12..19] MP to inflict a critical hit. When no MP can be used, no critical hit will be inflicted. Has a average of 28% chance of breaking (depends on the last digit's of the wielder's current HP).
So sure, you'll hit pretty hard but there's about a 1 in 3 chance you'll lose the weapon completely. This make it only useful for Throwing, as the damage is based off of the item's Bat. Pwr.
There's one last chest here.
Sicil Bam (Level 32)
| HP: 1828 | ATK: 17 | SPD: 39 |
| MP: 97 | DEF: 111 | HIT: 154 |
| XP: 725 | MPOW: 12 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 267 | MDEF: 163 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: fire, wind; WEAK: ice
IMMUNE: float, imp, stop
AUTO: float, reflect, seizure
SPECIAL "Ore Drench": damage + zombie (unblockable)
SKILLS: Cyclonic, Shimsham
RAGE: Cyclonic, Battle
CONTROL: Battle, Cyclonic, Ore Drench, Shimsham
STEAL: Imp Halberd, Rune Edge
DROPS: Drainer
MORPH (6%): Air Anchor, Charm Bangle, Dice, Tack Star
LOCATION: Final Dungeon
They get some measure of revenge when the front one reflects Pearl onto poor Pipimi, one shotting them.
This little guy shows up when someone's been asleep or confused or whatever for too long, and it heals them. I kill it shortly after anyway.
This is the only shop in town worth a damn and only because of that Chain Saw.
I don't buy one as I don't have a Tools user.
This is where it begins. I spend a good long while Ragnaroking everything I can find. We'll fly through a lot of it since menuing isn't very exciting.
Vanilla but not unappreciated. Elemental defenses are amazing.
Marvel Shoes are 4 different relics smashed together. They give you Haste, Regen, Shell and Safe status all at once. You really can't go wrong with them.
I'm not a big fan of the Atma Weapon in general and this one is just strictly worse. Fairy Ring teaches Slow and extra magic is good. Blizzard is early but not TOO early; it also has +20 attack compared to vanilla.
More MP good. Tao Robe is normally something you buy in the World of Ruin and is the best Robe in the game. The Sneak Ring has a nice bonus to Speed and any attempts I make at stealing.
SwordBreaker is busted ass good at this point, also normally available at WoR Maranda. It has +15 attack and a small bump to Mag. Pwr. Look at how swole Pipimi is with this stuff.
Over time, I pick up a Chain Saw and Air Anchor as well.
Let's go find some more creatures to murder.
Dame Swa (Level 20)
| HP: 999 | ATK: 20 | SPD: 41 |
| MP: 72 | DEF: 120 | HIT: 126 |
| XP: 467 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 321 | MDEF: 163 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: fire, pearl, water; WEAK: ice
IMMUNE: berserk, blind, imp, mute, petrify, poison, sleep, zombie
OTHER: undead
SPECIAL "Zerk Brave": attack x2
RAGE: Mute, Battle
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Battle, Zerk Brave
STEAL: Smoke Bomb, AutoCrossbow
DROPS: Revivify
MORPH (75%): Falchion, Hyper Wrist, Mithril Helm, Strato
LOCATION: World of Ruin H-3 SW, World of Balance A-1 NW
The Strato is actually a downgrade from vanilla but an upgrade for Taiga. The other two are pretty close to normal.
Veerlyc (Level 15)
| HP: 398 | ATK: 14 | SPD: 40 |
| MP: 70 | DEF: 80 | HIT: 121 |
| XP: 195 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 254 | MDEF: 154 | MBLK: 0 |
IMMUNE: haste
AUTO: near death
SPECIAL "QuarterPal": attack x1.5
RAGE: Warp, Battle
CONTROL: Battle, QuarterPal, Warp, Warp
STEAL: Tonic, Shuriken
DROPS: Mithril Shld
MORPH (50%): Head Band, Kodachi, Power Sash, Regal Crown
LOCATION: Phantom Train, World of Balance A-1 NW
Siziest (Level 15)
| HP: 547 | ATK: 14 | SPD: 31 |
| MP: 125 | DEF: 132 | HIT: 113 |
| XP: 226 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 307 | MDEF: 130 | MBLK: 0 |
WEAK: fire
IMMUNE: imp, sleep
AUTO: float
SPECIAL "Wind Fairy": seizure
RAGE: Battle, Wind Fairy
CONTROL: Battle, Wind Fairy, Wind Fairy, Wind Fairy
STEAL: Tent, Cotton Robe
MORPH (99%): Chocobo Suit, Hero Ring, Jewel Ring, Tempest
LOCATION: World of Balance A-1 NW, World of Balance A-2 NW
I also encounted some Tabbas from a previous update. Mirage Vest is a real good catch here, with a whopping +9 to Speed and immunity to a few physical hits in every combat.
I don't have a claw user yet but Dragon Claws are the second best claws in the game. The Tempest got hit by a rogue change effect; unfortunately turning Jump into Control is already covered by the FakeMustache. I'd rather use the FakeMustache and a much stronger weapon than the Tempest. That's RNG for you!
Oh and I farmed up a bunch of these I guess.
(Eight of them)
This place has always felt like the FF6 equivalent of Mayberry to me. Just a small town in the middle of nowhere that houses a kooky coroner and the dead body of WuFei's amnesiac lover.
In fact, they'll let just about anyone into the cafe.
All the shops have nothing new or notable so instead let's sneak into the coroner's house and get some drugs.
Someone's already been here and forgot their hat! At least it's a little jaunty. Let's get out of here.
Twoffig (Level 17)
| HP: 529 | ATK: 14 | SPD: 39 |
| MP: 25 | DEF: 118 | HIT: 125 |
| XP: 275 | MPOW: 11 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 189 | MDEF: 164 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: wind, water; WEAK: fire
IMMUNE: petrify
SPECIAL "Bite": attack x1.5
RAGE: Rippler, Bite
CONTROL: Battle, Battle, Battle, Bite
STEAL: Gold Shld, Soft
DROPS: Green Beret
LOCATION: World of Balance E-4 SW, World of Balance E-5 SE
There's a joke about balls in here somewhere. They can't be Morphed into items for some reason. They do have Rippler as a Rage skill which could lead to some shenanigans.
Suzhevat (Level 16)
| HP: 362 | ATK: 16 | SPD: 31 |
| MP: 25 | DEF: 122 | HIT: 103 |
| XP: 145 | MPOW: 10 | EVD: 0 |
| GP: 132 | MDEF: 171 | MBLK: 0 |
NULLIFY: water; WEAK: bio
IMMUNE: condemned, float, image, imp, near death, poison, zombie
AUTO: slow
OTHER: can't escape
SPECIAL "Fuma Extra": damage + reflect
RAGE: Battle, Fuma Extra
CONTROL: Battle, Fuma Extra, Fuma Extra, Fuma Extra
STEAL: Hair Band, Green Cherry
DROPS: Kung Fu Suit
MORPH (12%): Sniper Sight, Stout Spear, Tack Star, White Cape
LOCATION: World of Balance C-1 NW, World of Balance D-1 NW
I bet all those stray dogs come from Jidoor. Parents buying puppies for their spoiled brat kids then releasing them into the wild when the kids get bored. What a bunch of assholes.
All the rest of the stores here are too expensive and sell crap that I don't need, much like any tourist trap at a destination. I did find a store that sells Earrings (for 17k!) but as I am a man of the land, I have Hero Rings instead. I gnawed them myself from the bones of my enemies.
We steal a chocobo on the way out. I'm sure they'll figure out a way to make it tax deductible.
Next time, we enter Zozo in search of our friend, Saber Luigi Mario.
Sorry for the smaller update, it's a busy weekend and I didn't want to leave the thread hanging.